Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Back Atcha!

So we're back from P-Town. I'd have posted sooner, but Seamus ended up burning the house down in an attempt to fake his own death. It might have worked, but his disguise included a prostetic nose that was, it turns out, quite flammable.

He's now in the ICU.

In the mean time, I'd like to share with you some thoughts about P-town.

Don't buy cock flavored dog treats for your Labrador

I can't stress this one enough. It's why I put it first, for my short attention span readers. One guy I saw had these. I mean, this is just begging for one of those incredibly hard to explain visits to the emergency room. Of all the things you could train your dog to eat, you're choosing the great refreshing taste of your own crank?! Nothing good is going to come out of a decision like that.

Every loser has a story

My father said this to us the night before we all went fishing. He wanted us to be optimistic about our fishing trip the next day. We caught nothing. Fortunately, these losers also had backup reservations at the Mews. I highly recommend their seared ahi special.


I'd never seen a drag show, but really felt that a visit to P-town was not complete without some guy dressed up as Cher belting out show tunes. I was not disappointed. We caught Varla Jean Merman in "I'm not Paying for This!" and Randy Roberts in an impressive medley of impersonations. I had hoped to see a Streisand too, but you work with what you have. Both were excellent. Varla was funnier, whereas Randy was more of your traditional show tunes experience.


This is one of those new hobbies where somebody places a cache of trinkets out in the woods and posts the longitude and latitude of the cache. You then get out your GPS receiver and go to the location, take a trinket, replace it with one you brought, and sign the log book.
In practice, it's getting lost (we were still figuring out the GPS), detouring through the dunes, and ending in the most mosquito infested swamp this side of Vietnam. Eventually we did find the cache, though. I'm thinking of putting on one our property. Lets let somebody else feed the mosquitos for a change.

So there you go. I even managed to avoid getting horribly sunburned or hungover. Life is good.



Blogger Bottle Rocket Fire Alarm said...

I did my best to babysit this place for you, but I failed miserably. You get what you pay for!

4:39 PM  
Blogger V said...

Once I was looking through a pet supply catalog, and had an ugly, ugly epiphany.

Let's just say that "pizzle" is not something the kids say, along the lines of "shizzle my nizzle."

It's a certain type of dog treat ingredient, i.e. "pork pizzle."

That's all I'm going to say.

7:00 PM  

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