Tuesday, June 14, 2005

What Is It With the Lemurs?

Many of you have written to me asking, "What's up with the lemurs, man?" The answer is actually pretty simple.

  • Lemurs have big googly eyes - Come on. Is that cute or what?
  • They're among the most primitive primates - I can relate to that.
  • They like to scent mark their territory - Some even smear their poo on tree trunks. Who doesn't dream of doing that? I know I do. I just like to blame it on the cat.
  • One species of lemur, the aye-aye lemur, has an extended middle finger - Plus its hair looks like it's been plugged into an electical outlet for three days. A major middle finger and a wild 'do. Punk ain't dead. It's digging bugs out of a tree in Madagascar.
  • The red-bellied lemur is sexually dichromatic - I have no idea what this means, but it sounds pretty kinky to me.
  • Some species of lemurs have blue eyes - Hey! Me too!
  • The lesser bushbaby species can leap fifteen feet in the air - Not bad for a guinea pig sized critter.
  • The name is just darn fun to say - Try it with me. Lemur. Leeeemmmmuurrrr. Lemur! LEMUR!!

Tapirs, on the other hand...

The tapir thing was actually an accident. I saw a picture of one and thought it was cute. I also thought is was cat sized. Turns out they're more hippopotamus sized. Try housebreaking one of those...



Blogger Bottle Rocket Fire Alarm said...

Wow, I wish I had a lemur farm. I'd train them, spraypaint them, and release them into metrolitan centers.

They'd be like roving skittles, except with teeth.

5:19 PM  
Blogger V said...

If you watched MST3K ever, Crow the Robot made up a song about some random lemur in a movie they were watching. It went something like this:

Joey the Lemur,
He runs everywhere,
Joey the Lemur.

Joey the Lemur,
He goes to the bathroom everywhere,
Joey the Lemur

There was more but I always start giggling after the 2nd verse, so it's been lost to history.

12:05 PM  

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