Friday, March 03, 2006

"Lance needs...."

Because I'm not feeling real inspired today, I'm reusing something I saw on fightguy's blog. It's pretty simple, and I was vaguely amused by the results.

Instructions - Go to Google, put your name followed by needs together in quotes. (Ex: "Sarah needs"). Now post five of them.

Lance needs to note that the Ogam wheel is not by itself a calendar, but gives rise to a family of calendars, one of which is used by Charles. - Not sure what this means, but it sure sounds impressive.

Lance needs to decide if he is or isn't going to grow a goatee - I've thought about the goatee thing, but I'm going to wait until it's definitively uncool before going ahead with it.

Lance needs to vanquish an evil being. - Fortunately I did this twice before lunch. Man, I hate the Marketing department.

Lance needs to check the box declaring himself gay to push himself ahead of Asian-Americans with straight A grade averages. - Hey, whatever it takes, you know?

Lance needs a day or two more of drying. - Actually I haven't had anything to drink since last weekend, so I'm already pretty dried out. But today's Friday, and the Scoops are visiting tomorrow...



Blogger Lex Armenia said...

Mine are all Lex Luthor-related.

Well, except this one, which I'm not quite sure I understand:

"I can't assume automatically that lex needs the .h file, since it doesn't necessarily need it - there might not even by a yacc file working with lex. "

Um, ok.

10:55 PM  
Blogger V said...

I like the Ogam wheel bit the best. Not that I know what it refers to either.

11:09 PM  

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