Thursday, September 08, 2005

So, What Do You Look Like?

Many of our faitful readers write in asking what I and Mrs. Manion look like. It's an obvious question. I mean, I'm often curious what other bloggers look like. So I went out and rooted around for a photo or two. Here you go.

And before you ask, no, this photo was not taken on the set of a porn film or a cigarette ad. I was just feeling very seventies that day. And yes, Mrs. Manion digs on the big freaky hats. She's strange like that.

What do you mean you don't think I look anything like that? Fine. Be that way. I just like that photo and will be using at the representation of me for the forseable future. It was either that or my mug shot. And due to the pepper spray I'm looking kind of rough in that one.

Dammit people, this is the internet, and it's my god given right as an American to blatantly mispresent myself to others. Just be thankful I'm limiting it to photos and not shilling for donations because of my incredibly rare (and almost certainly fatal in the event of insufficient donations) case of Yohimbe Syndrome. I'm just saying.



Blogger Amandarama said...

And here I thought you were going to post the picture of Adam West from "Lady Chatterly's Lover 2".

4:50 PM  

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