Thursday, August 04, 2005

Once Again, I Got Nothing...

So I've been devoting way too much time this morning to coming up with something to write. And the muse isn't singing, no matter how much White Out I sniff. Stupid muse.

So I'm going to try something a little diff. Something a little free-form. Sort of a Spinal Tap style Jazz Odyssey (and we all know how well that turned out).

So lets ride that camera eye, as Dos Passos would call it, into that nutty world we call "The Mind of a Manion" (Just as aside, it helps if you say "Mind of a Manion" out loud with a kind of
reverb effect. Seriously. Try it!)

If one or more body panels on your car are made of Bondo, don't bother getting the wide bore exhaust. It's not like your car is one cannister of NOS away from being in "The Fast and the

"Cruel Intentions" was a great, and underappreciated, movie. It had Sarah Michelle Gellar, Reese Witherspoon, Ryan Phillipe all being delightfully tawdry. If you're looking for some quality sleaze on a Friday night, try this puppy out.

This place rocks. It's the american dream for people who want to build something out of beef jerky. And some day I will build something out of jerky. I'll start small. Perhaps a tool shed.

Now that I'm bringing this puppy in for a landing, I see that my Jazz Odyssey metaphor may not have been too far off. But anyway, I made a promise that I'd post something every day. So bleah.



Blogger Amandarama said...

"If one or more body panels on your car are made of Bondo, don't bother getting the wide bore exhaust. "

Can I actually make my entire car door out of Bondo? Because I think it might be cheaper than replacing the panel. Can I still put a spoiler on my car if one of the panels is made of Bondo? How about a neon undercarriage? These are the questions that would keep me up at night if I lived in Revere.

5:41 PM  

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