Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Naked Night @ The Annex

Way back in the olden days, when dinosaurs roamed the earth, and grunge rock was new and hip, I was in college. I lived in a section of a dorm, that, thanks to poor architectural design, and campus politics, had a semi-independent existence.

The dorm was called Mary Low, after Colby College's first female graduate (fyi, Colby was the first private liberal arts college in New England to admit women). Our apartment, for lack of a better word, was called the Mary Low Annex, or simply, The Annex. We referred to ourselves as Annexians. Our first, and only, political act was to secede from the main dorm. Not so much because we cared about anything political, but more because we didn't want to share our kegs.

As theater geeks, we had plenty of stage weapons and power tools, and Scoop could kill a man at thirty feet with a field hockey stick. The revolution was brief, and relatively bloodless. We weren't worth the trouble of subduing. Which was fine with us. Violence interfered with the partying.

Life was good, for many moons. But eventually our grades started to suffer. People came to us to rage, and experiment with their sexualities. Mostly, this was good, except for the time that Backdoor Johnny Balls crawled in through my window to eat my money, but that's a different story.

Eventually, the six original Annexians listed below:

Lance Manion (Me! Me! Me!)
Zaq G'Yce, the Xorphian Warlord
and last but not least,

...came up with a plan. We would come up with something that would sound really cool, and really hip, but something that would also keep people away. We came up with Naked Night @ The Annex.

It was great. Every Tuesday we'd talk about how we were going to take all our clothes off, and be naked, and explore whatever. We invited everyone. Of course, mid-winter in mid-Maine ensures that anyone stupid (or desperate) enough to show, won't survive the trip.

As a result, we got to work on our lighting design plots, our theses, our student teaching plans, whatever, without interruption. It was, and remains, a thing of beauty.

Every Tuesday, we would really sell Naked Night, to everyone we knew. And every Tuesday we got an night of uninterrupted studying in. It was brill. I'm thinking of reintroducing it into my professional life.

Try it yourself. It works!



Blogger Matthew said...

Wait, so naked night didn't actually produce any nakedness? It kept people away so you could study? And this was a success?!?

1:51 PM  
Blogger Bottle Rocket Fire Alarm said...

I can clearly see the evolution of thought from Naked Night to savage love monkeys.

Oh God.

3:01 PM  
Blogger Amandarama said...

I miss my field hockey stick.

6:07 AM  

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