Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Good Mood

I'm in an unusually good mood. I almost don't feel like crushing most of the galaxy beneath an iron glove in a velvet fist, or however that's supposed to go.

To be honest, I'm not sure why I'm feeling good. Perhaps it's because I slept well last night. I think it's called the "Sleep of the Just." Or in my case it might be better described as the "Sleep of Someone Who Knows the Statute of Limitations Has Passed." I've never been sure. In any event, I'm feeling well rested.

It also might be because I've switched from Gangsta Rap to Classical. The problem with gangsta rap is the headphones. When I'm in the writing zone, and grooving to "Rat-a-Tat-Tat" by Dr. Dre, and someone taps me on the shoulder, everything goes hazy for a minute, and the next thing I know, I'm hanging from the ceiling by my toes and holding some poor QA guy's spleen. It's always QA for some reason. You'd think it would be marketing spleens. Oh well.

With a little Strauss (specifically, the Blue Danube Waltz), I can turn and calmly ask how I can be of service. Although at this point they've outsourced the QA department anyway. They were running out of spleens fast.

It's not because I've switched to decaf. I would never switch to decaf. Decaf is for the weak. Decaf is heresy. Or possibly apostasy. I don't know.

Perhaps I'm a good mood because my current deliverable is finally coming together. I'm already 43 pages into a guide for Application Remediation.

I don't know. Either way, I'm feeling pretty good about life this morning. If I didn't feel good, I'd be concerned that my normal baseline of rage was being displaced. I can only hope that someone incurs my wrath tomorrow.



Blogger V said...

Application Remediation might be a good band name. Or training class for jobless dropouts. One of the 2.

2:50 PM  

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