Monday, August 08, 2005

And a Manion Dreams...

So, many of you have written to me saying:

Dear Lance,
What do you dream when you are asleep?


Lots of People

And that's a difficult question. Mostly because the world seems bound and determined to prevent me from getting a decent night's sleep these days.

But because you're probably looking for an insight for the various biographies of me that you're working on, I've written down a few of the most recent entries from my dream journal. Psych! I don't have a dream journal. I'm vastly too macho.

Anyway. Here they are - real(!) dreams that I've had in the past week. To make life easier on my future biographers, I've already researched the symoblism and meaning of the dream and provided an explanation.

Manion Galactica (Yeah, I watch Battlestar Galactica. You should too.)

So I was on the surface of Caprica with Starbuck and Helo. And Starbuck had forgotten to pack a lunch. So I shared my lunch with her. 'Cause I'm all gentleman-like.

Meaning - packed lunch = always prepared; Starbuck = hot chicks dig me;

High School Manion

So I was back in high school, but I had forgotten my pants. Somehow I had to get to class without anyone noticing my pantsless state. Hilarity ensues...

Meaning - School = past source of tension; pantsless = my continuing belief that more people would really like to see my magical pants weasel.

Aliens vs. Manion

So I was an officer on board a naval destroyer, and we had to dock with an aircraft carrier that we believed to be infested with aliens from the movie Aliens. I was ordered to lead the first team on board. I had invented some sort of ultraviolet flashlight that could kill the aliens, but didn't hurt people or equipment. Of course, right after we got on board, the batteries died...

Meaning - Aliens = Aliens; flashlight = inventiveness/creativity; batteries dying = Desire to show how badass I am by personally clubbing aliens to death with the magical pants weasel (Certainly does not mean that I fear letting myself down. Absolutely not. Definitely means the badass thing.);

There you go. Now can I get a nap or something?



Blogger Amandarama said...

Hey, you got spam! You must be famous now.

And, yes, take a nap.

My dreams involve Muppets and, ocassionally, carnivorous plants.

8:23 AM  

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