Wednesday, March 16, 2005

When Words Take You Hostage

Sorry about the title. Sounds very ominous, but it's not. I'm probably the last person in the western hemisphere to get a blog. Of course, as a writer, I think "Hey, this will be easy!" And then I sit down to write...

And then the paranoia sets in. What about inflection of meaning? What if I'm boring? How do I strike a balance between being interesting and relevant? What if the only reaction is some kid commenting back "Ur blog is t3h SuXX0r!" As if my decision to use the word "paranoia" rather than "worry" is really going to make a difference.

But hey, it's start.

It's been a long time since I've made an effort to commit my thoughts to paper (or anything else, for that matter). It's time to start. (and now I'm worried that I've used start twice in close proximity).



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